Participation in the conference requires the submission of papers, which will be evaluated by reviewers. No abstract will be accepted.

To submit a paper, you need to register on the platform via the Registration page.

XR Salento 2025 accepts two types of papers: Full Papers (10-20 pages), and Short Papers (6-11 pages).

  • Full Papers should focus on research, applications, or systems that describe results contributing to advancements in the state-of-the-art. Topics may include, but are not limited to, software, hardware, algorithms, applications, and human factors.
  • Short Papers should focus on work-in-progress, early-stage research, initial project findings, case studies, or similar topics. Accepted short papers will be published in the conference proceedings and presented as posters.

Paper Formatting

Authors should refer to Springer’s guidelines and technical instructions for preparing proceedings papers. For your convenience, the Authors Guidelines are available here.

Springer provides templates for Word and LaTeX users to help structure the paper. LaTeX is the preferred format for papers containing numerous equations.

If using LaTeX2e, please download the

If using Microsoft Word, please download

Springer encourages authors to include their ORCID iD in proceedings papers.

For additional details, authors can consult Springer’s LNCS webpage, which contains nearly all relevant information for both volume editors and contributing authors regarding the LNCS print/electronic publication process.

Copyright Form

The corresponding author of each paper, on behalf of all co-authors, must complete and sign a Consent-to-Publish form to transfer the copyright of the paper to the publisher. Once the files have been sent to Springer, no changes to the authorship can be made.
Papers without a signed copyright form will not be included in the proceedings.

For your convenience, the LNCS Consent-to-Publish form can be downloaded here.

Paper Submission

Only papers submitted through the online submission system and strictly adhering to the required format will be considered for review and publication.

All submitted papers will undergo single-blind peer review.

Upon acceptance, each paper must be accompanied by at least one regular (early) registration payment to guarantee its inclusion in the proceedings.

Apply for the "Best Graphical Abstract" award

The Graphical Abstract is an image that visually summarizes the key contents of your research.
By submitting a graphical abstract, you have the chance to win the grant for the Best Graphical Abstract.
To help you create an effective graphical abstract, here’s a checklist:

  • Identify the key message of your research and highlight the most important results.
  • Choose a visually appealing image that represents your research topic, and make it the central focus of your graphical abstract.
  • Use a pleasing color scheme that enhances readability and appeal.
  • Use clear, concise language to describe your research question, methodology, and main findings in a way that is easily understood by non-experts.
  • Ensure that the word count does not exceed 80 words.
  • Ensure legibility by choosing an easy-to-read font and using appropriate font sizes.
  • Use design elements such as icons, arrows, and other visuals to illustrate key points and make your abstract more engaging.

For your convenience, the graphical abstract template can be downloaded here. The graphical abstract must be uploaded in pdf.

Partnerships and Sponsors
