Patrick Bourdot Patrick Bourdot

Immersive Collaboration: An Overview of Key Research Issues in XR Technologies and Use Cases

Patrick Bourdot

President of EuroXR Association


Research Director at CNRS, the French National Centre for Scientific Research, Dr. Bourdot is the founding leader of the VENISE team (, a Virtual & Augmented Reality research group he established in 2001 within the former CNRS/LIMSI lab, now part of the LISN lab at the University of Paris-Saclay.
His primary research interests in eXtended Reality include levels of detail, virtual navigation, 3D reconstruction, multimodal and collaborative XR interactions, and associated user perception and cognition challenges. In terms of XR applications, his work focuses on fields such as Design and Engineering, Bioinformatics, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Science Education, and Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Dr. Bourdot has coordinated scientific partnerships and led numerous research projects funded by the French government (RNTL, ANR) or regional and national research institutes (CNRS, DIGITEO). He is the founding secretary of AFRV, the French association for Virtual & Augmented Reality.
He coordinated the participation of CNRS labs in the INTUITION network on VR/AR under the 6th IST European Framework (2004–2008) and is a founding member of EuroVR. A member of its Executive Committee since its inception in 2009, he served as Vice-President for “Academic Issues & Conferences” from 2016 to 2021. After the association was renamed EuroXR (European Association for eXtended Reality -, he became its third President, a position he held for the past three years.
Dr. Bourdot has published extensively in international journals and conferences on Virtual & Augmented Reality and Human-Computer Interaction, contributing significantly to these research domains.

Partnerships and Sponsors
