Thematic sessions have the main aim of creating a mini-workshop on a specific topic, where researchers working on the same issues can get to know each other, familiarize, exchange ideas and create cooperation.
Thematic Sessions are being developed by designated chairs.

If you, as an author, have a paper that could be included in one of these sessions, you may submit your paper selecting your favourite session. If the paper is not selected for the session, it may be included in another part of the technical program.

To submit papers to the technical session, follow the submission instructions for regular sessions, but remind to specify the thematic session to which the paper is directed.

If you are interested in organizing a thematic session, carefully follow the Guidelines available HERE.

List of Thematic Sessions

  1. Thematic Session #1: AI-Driven XR Innovations in Healthcare: Bridging Technology and Ethics

    Organized by: Gerson Yoshinari, Luciano Vitorino, Faculty of Medicine of Itajuba

  2. Thematic Session #2: Transforming Research and Clinical Interventions with eXtended Reality

    Organized by: Francesca Bruni, Valentina Mancuso, eCampus University

  3. Thematic Session #3: Crafting Virtual Humans for Immersive XR Applications: Advancements, Applications, and Challenges

    Organized by: Francesco Strada, Andrea Bottino, Stefano Calzolari, Politecnico di Torino

  4. Thematic Session #4: eXtended Reality for Cultural Tourism Sustainability

    Organized by: Alessandra Marasco, Alfonsina Pagano, National Research Council of Italy - ISPC, Ryan Yung, University of Greenwich

  5. Thematic Session #5: Digital Twin and Smart Virtual Representations for Cultural Heritage

    Organized by: Alberto Bucciero, Matteo Greco, National Research Council of Italy - ISPC, Carola Gatto, University of Salento, Federica Faggiano, Sapienza University of Rome

  6. Thematic Session #6: Exploring eXtended Reality for Serious Games: Design, Technology, and Applications

    Organized by: Javier Marín-Morales, Maria Eleonora Minissi, Universitat Politècnica de València, Ersilia Vallefuoco, University of Naples Federico II, Giovanni D'Errico, Politecnico di Torino

  7. Thematic Session #7: Digital Twin: Innovative Approaches in Industry and Healthcare

    Organized by: Vito Del Vecchio, Mariangela Lazoi, Giulia Pellegrino, University of Salento, Rocco Furferi, University of Florence, Alfonso Marino, University of Campania "L. Vanvitelli"

  8. Thematic Session #8: XR for Art, Design, and Entertainment

    Organized by: Christian Geiger, University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf, Holger Reckter, University of Applied Sciences Mainz

  9. Thematic Session #9: Virtual Restoration of artworks: innovations, challenges, and future perspectives

    Organized by: Laura Corchia, Giorgia De Giuseppe, University of Salento, Italy

Thematic Session Proposal Submission

Are you interested in organizing a thematic session?

Please, contact the Technical Program Chairs, using the form at this page:

Guidelines for Thematic Sessions

The purpose of Thematic Sessions is to provide a more interactive and focused platform for presenting and discussing new and emerging ideas. The format of paper presentations may include oral and poster presentations.

Partnerships and Sponsors
